Michelle Boyer
Candidate for Maine State House District 123
Cape Elizabeth

About Michelle

I am excited to work hard for our town and make a positive impact in all Mainers’ lives

My husband Mark and I chose Cape Elizabeth as our home because of its strong sense of community, natural beauty and exceptional school system. I am honored to serve on our Conservation Committee which helps protect and preserve our environment for future generations. I support our school system by volunteering in the Pond Cove library, at school events and for the schools’ Parent Associations. In addition, I worked as a volunteer for the Firearm Safety Caucus of the Maine legislature to help advance critical firearm safety measures for our state.

Like so many Maine families, we faced delays and denials from our insurance company as we sought to get necessary healthcare immediately after the birth of my youngest daughter. As a result, I co-founded the community organization, Restore the Floor, and worked with our own Senator Anne Carney to pass a state law to make sure going forward Maine women will not have to battle to get necessary postpartum care. I am very proud of what we accomplished and am inspired to continue to work on issues that impact our lives and our futures.

I would be honored to work in a civil and bipartisan manner to bring accessible and affordable healthcare for all Mainers as your Representative in the State House and tackle other critical issues facing our town and state with a fresh perspective and approach including: the climate crisis, firearm safety, affordable housing, child welfare, and property tax relief.

On the Issues


We all can see the signs of how our healthcare system is struggling - from the countless gofundme campaigns to help our neighbors pay off sky high medical costs which threaten their financial security, to months long waits to see our doctors, to workforce shortages. I would love to roll up my sleeves and work with policymakers and healthcare experts to help create a system that is affordable, high quality and accessible, leveraging any and all resources to help get us there. Promoting prevention and comprehensive health management would be a good start.

Firearm Safety

I’m happy to see that many firearm safety measures were passed in this last session including the expanded background checks, 72 hour waiting periods for firearm purchases, and a bump stock ban. I am hopeful the Governor will sign them all. I will absolutely do all I can to make sure these laws stay on the books should the gun lobby try to roll them back. These are a good foundation; I would work to advance and support the banning of semi automatic weapons also as well as enacting a true extreme risk protection order law.


I would endeavor to ensure state programs and resources continue to be available to address rising sea level changes and more frequent damaging storm events as well as reduce our carbon footprint and protect our natural resources. Maine needs to continue to make meaningful progress on our Climate Action Plan so I would encourage the executive and legislative branches to make a full court press on such initiatives as building out the necessary electric vehicle charging station infrastructure, modernizing and making more efficient our businesses and homes and growing more locally and sustainably produced agricultural products.


The lack of affordable housing is a serious barrier to a thriving economy in Maine. I believe the state can help to support towns and cities develop approaches to supporting and creating affordable housing that work best for them. The state should convene and create incentives for regions to come together to develop solutions and support each other, support the redevelopment of unused state and commercial property, encourage policies that avoid sprawl, promote green building standards, and support thriving communities. At the same time, we need to balance housing needs with bolstering our local agriculture, farms and food as well as public access to outdoor spaces and healthy lifestyles.

Property Tax Relief

I would work to make sure the state doesn’t backslide from its 55% funding of the total cost of education. Even though Cape doesn’t see nearly that high a percentage in state funding, if the state were to lower its contribution, we would see a cut in funding and that would negatively impact property taxes. In addition, it is essential that the state continues, at the minimum, revenue sharing (monthly payments to municipalities from state sales and income taxes) at its current level. I will fight any efforts to roll back this important program for our towns.

What Others Have to Say About Michelle

Rep. Rebecca Millet

I know Michelle will listen to and work hard for all of the citizens of Cape Elizabeth in the State House by developing solutions to the critical issues we are facing in our state. That is why I am enthusiastically voting for her in the Democratic Primary on June 11.

Kevin Justh, Independent voter

As a registered “Unenrolled” (Independent) voter, I am excited to—for the first time in Maine history—participate in the primary process for state level elections. On June 11, I plan to ask for a Democratic ballot and proudly vote for Michelle Boyer to represent Cape Elizabeth in the State Legislature. This seat is currently held by the retiring Rebecca Millett, who has served us well and officially endorsed Michelle to replace her.

Michelle’s name may be new to some neighbors, but for years she has put in the hard work to advance our community’s interests. In 2021, she helped author state legislation (now enacted) expanding critical postpartum care. I have seen her first-hand deal with hard issues head on, with empathy and dedication to the common good. The small business she founded came out of her recognizing a need and creatively solving it.

Jamie Wagner

Michelle is smart, hard working, policy minded, and an energetic person. She is a great listener and a hard worker. I hope you will join me in voting for her on June 11th!

Penny Jordan

I am confident Michelle understands the challenges of small businesses, being a business owner herself. But most importantly she will work to understand the challenges farms face from a labor, taxation, and environmental policy perspective… Bottomline is we need representatives in Augusta that think broadly, are collaborative and seek the best decisions consensus can provide. Join me in voting for Michelle Boyer for State Representative.

Rep. Vicki Doudera, House Chair of the Maine Legislature’s Gun Safety Caucus

As a State Representative in my third term, I have had the pleasure of working with Michelle over several years on gun safety legislation. Michelle was instrumental in researching policies to keep our state safer and brought her experiences as an involved community member to our discussions. She’s smart, energetic, and a very hard worker - exactly the kind of person we need in the House of Representatives. I know Michelle Boyer will represent the people of Cape Elizabeth extremely well. She will be a strong voice for you in Augusta, and I urge you to vote for her in the upcoming primary election in June.


  • Arctic Lynx Maternity, Owner

  • Conservation CommitteeTown of Cape Elizabeth, Member     

  • Cape Elizabeth High School Parents’ Association, Secretary

  • Cape Elizabeth Schools, General School and Parents’ Association Volunteer work

  • Library, Pond Cove Elementary School, Volunteer 

  • Cape Community Arena, Rink Supervisor Volunteer

  • Gun Safety Caucus, Maine legislature, Past Volunteer 

  • Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP, Past Licensing Director


